Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body. -Elizabeth Stone

The quickest way for a parent to get a child's attention is to sit down and look comfortable. ~Lane Olinghouse

Parenthood: That state of being better chaperoned than you were before marriage. ~Marcelene Cox

Parents are not interested in justice; they are interested in quiet. ~Bill Cosby

Nothing warms my heart more then to see my children love each other- Carly

Friday, April 23, 2010

Ode' to Gavin

For the record, Korbin aint got nothin' on Gavin :)

ode' to Ravenna


Sunday, April 18, 2010

This was after Gavin & Venna got into Mommy's make-up! They sure had a great time with it, the most fun was my liquid liner. Venna obviously felt really guilty, all I could do was laugh and snap some photos for when Gavin is 18!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Ravenna is Conversing

I had my first conversation with Venna, It went like this:
Venna running in the bathroom where mom was doing her hair with a tea cup
Venna: "Momma coffee!"
Momma: "Thank you baby woman"
Venna: "Good?"
Momma: "Yes it is so good baby"
Venna: "All gone?"
Momma: "Ya, it's all gone, can I have more?"
Venna- taking my cup and putting her little hand up "Minute!" and she ran back to her room for a re-fill.
It was so sweet! I wish I could have it on video!

Piggy Market

Gavin loves to play "Piggy Market" he will pull his socks off and say "do my piggy market mommy", and when I get to the food piggies, I let him pick what they ate, which is usually pizza and ice cream. He is such a kind hearted boy.
Our camera was dropped 100 times too many and it finally gave up the ghost... so only old photos for now. I almost had a heart attack this morning in the shower when I realised how soon Ravenna will be 2! Seems like she should be turning 1. It is fun to have your oldest do new things and grow up, but it is a whole other pill to swallow to have your baby get so big. Got my first "No! MINE!" today from my sweet little thing. Her and Gavin were playing outside and she got her gloves all wet and wouldn't let me take them off! I am really looking forward to summer, my babies play so well outside! Gavin is a great big brother, he looks out for his sister and she loves to follow him around. That makes all my dreams come true, I wanted them to be close so bad!

Baby Girl & Daddy

She was 11 months old, she can were that jumper this summer too!

Oh Monk

Around 18 months old

S&TC 2 is coming out May 27th, we will have to go out again! All of us have had a baby since this photo!

Sweet Ravenna

Ravenna at 4 months, such a happy baby. They could be twins!

Baby Gavin

Thought I would start with an older picture, My sweet baby boy Gavin, at 3 months