Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body. -Elizabeth Stone

The quickest way for a parent to get a child's attention is to sit down and look comfortable. ~Lane Olinghouse

Parenthood: That state of being better chaperoned than you were before marriage. ~Marcelene Cox

Parents are not interested in justice; they are interested in quiet. ~Bill Cosby

Nothing warms my heart more then to see my children love each other- Carly

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Venna's new hat

Ravenna LOVES my new hat, and it looks socute on her, wish it came in her size!

Kids playing at the mall

I am so thankful they has this at the mall, my kids totally love it. I however think it is so interesting to see all of the other kids and parents. You can always spot the over protective mother, and the weekend dad who sits there playing on his I-Phone while his little brat picks on the other kids... fascinating

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Country Village

We had really nice day at this cool place in Bothell today. It was 65 degrees out, and Gavin got to ride on a train! As you can tell from his huge grin, this made his year. PLEASE be his first memory! Venna could take it or leave it, but she's not feeling great after her shots. They got to feed the geese, and play in the fountain. Can you even stand how cute it is that they hold hands!?! I love it!

At the Doctors

Venna had her doctor appointment, just a well baby visit. She is super healthy, 97% for her height! and 71% for her weight! My tall girl, my grandmother on my dad's side was 6 foot! Hopefully she wont be that tall.

After her 2 shots, poor thing, I couldn't resist snapping a photo.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

How we spent our day

We love our breakfast time! Gavin is always trying to hold baby woman's hand during prayer, and she doesn't let him. Venna is Miss polite, she asks me first 'Good?' and then brother 'Good?' and she is really interested in your answer. Gavin likes to know what the plans for the day are. Today they ate french toast and sausage(my kids are sausage holics!) and momma had a grapefruit, but was secretly dreaming of pancakes with sprinkles...

woman playing 'hostess' with all our fake food thanks to Tanya. She is bossing me around and saying 'minute' so I wont go anywhere. Where would I go with the Mt. Kilimanjaro sizes pile of laundry that i get to fold!

Yummy eggs! I wish they were the real thing!
Gavin's 'craft project' that he did. He found as many different leafs as he could. I took a picture so I don't actually have to save the real thing. I feel bad getting rid of all these sweet things, but where will I put them all?!? He hasn't even started Miss Monicas yet!

My good boy helping mamma unload the dishwasher. He is actually really good at putting everything in their right slot. Must have inherited his mammas OCD